Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Have a safe trip, NSV, and where did I leave the magic wand
NSV - I am wearing size 18 pants today - WOOT!!! granted they are a larger 18....
Can someone please tell me where I left the magic wand that will clean the house, do my homework, help Mya with her homework, get my workout in, and grow a money tree in the back yard so that I don't have to work anymore???? I misplaced it.....
Friday, September 23, 2011
Let’s put it all down on “paper”! In the next month I will…...
1. If you were a character on Friends, who would you be and why?
Phoebe – for sure. I am definitely that dingy.
2. If you weren't in your current career what other career do you think you would have done?
Hospice nurse – still hoping that someday I will get there.
3. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 6?
A vet.
4. Do you think everyone only has one soulmate or true love? Or are there multiple people for everyone?
I think that different people fulfill your soul in different ways.
5. Repeat question. Summarize your week in real life and in blog land.
Real life – So so so damn busy!!! Not back just hectic!
Blogland – Loving the support and can’t wait to see all the pictures from all of you who go to Boobs!!!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I am.....
Putting away the scale for a month.... I was upset for the whole day. I know that .4 of a lb can turn into a lb, 2lbs and so on pretty quick but at the same time I need to realize that I know my eating has been back on track so it will be ok. :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
BIG thanks to Brenda and Amy for the awards!!! Love it! <3 I will give mine out soon!!!!
Weekend update – We spent the weekend in Flagstaff because Mya had her first soccer tournament. It was a fun weekend – except for the fact that they lost all their games. They are a new team and just started playing together so I am sure it will take some time! The weather was amazing – 74 degrees during the day! So nice to escape the Phoenix heat for a weekend!!! Here are some pics…..
I will just let you know in advance that I will probably experience my first gain this week….. It was a bad eating weekend. Honestly the first I have had since surgery. I ate virtually nothing healthy – I avoided carbs but ate burgers, Mexican food, pizza and who knows what else. Nothing in huge portions but I did have those foods you know you shouldn’t!!!! It was hard being with a bunch of people with kids… Food choices were not great (excuses, excuses). So I have confessed and am back on track……
Exercise need to get moved up on my priority list! I haven’t really done anything besides a day of C25K! I want to run and ummmmm I have to actually build up to that - SO I definitely need to light a fire under my own butt!! I have passed the weight is going to come off on its own stage. I mean I walk but I need to WORK OUT!!!!
Have a great week!!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Yada yada and some blah blah blah :)
I have not been in the best mood lately. I am not sure what the cause. I think that in my "real life" I may feel unsupported about this lap band decision. I think that people are supportive but they don't understand. Hell, only two on my "real life" friends know about my blog. Not even my BFF.... she knows about the surgery but not about the Blog. This leads me to wonder why I am so secretive, why I don't want to share. I think it basically comes down to the fact that I don't want to be judged. I am scared, I want everyone to like me, I want to be accepted. This odd because I think for the most part I am accepted, liked and so on. In most of my relationships, I am the supporter, the listener, the fixer. I am everyone's "best friend". But I have no clue how to open up and let people in. I absolutely hate talking about myself. What all this is leading too is that i feel alone in this journey. My husband is not in super supportive mood either... he doesn't read my blog which makes me sad in a way.
Everybody judges in there own way, how much have you lost, you look good, you don't see a difference..... What happens if I stop losing then what will people think? I did this for nothing?
Anyway, I want to snack - not b/c there is room in my stomach for it but because I am stressed. Life is so busy, work is horrible and I used to deal with that by eating..... Now, I could deal with it by talking but it takes a lot for me to talk to anyone about my feelings. Urgh!
My weekend my uneventful. My little one had a busy social calendar as usual :) Makes me happy. 9/11 is always a hard day. I can't believe it was 10 years ago already! I will never forget!! The munchkin was ready for football watching with dad:
Lets go Cardinals :)
And I figured I would give you a pic of our lazy boxer Marcus!!!
Have a great week all!! :)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011

1. If you have a camera and have the time – take the contents of your purse out – and take a picture of said contents and explain them. If you don’t have time or a camera – please describe the contents of your purse.
Ok so make up bag with the essentials, mascara, liner, shadow, chap stick, etc.... G2, sunglasses, reading glasses, medicine bag w/ pepto, advil, excedrine sunscreen, cortaid, hand cream and mini first aid kit, food journal (purple), note pad, note cards, ipod, wallet, pens, highlighter, mya's sunglasses, macys coupon, check book, BC pills.
2. Repeat question: I’m going to pick a person not knowing if you have a relationship with this person or if the person even exists and you try to describe the person in 5 words or short sentences.
• Your kindergarten teacher
I have no idea - I dont remember....
3. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure / trashy TV show you like to watch?
I dont really like too much reality tv. My husband on the other hand is addicted to trash tv lol
4. A lot of you told me about your first day of school experiences when I posted about how my 5 year old going to kindergarten wasn’t causing me too much heartache. So now I’m officially asking – tell me about one of your first day of school experiences that sticks out in your mind the most. Who put you on the bus? Did you ride the bus? Did your parents take pics? Did they walk you into school? Drive you there? Cook you breakfast?
This one is hard cause I was home schooled until HS.....
5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in real life and in blog land.
Real life is fine.... Busy busy!
Blog land - Love it!! All you boobies sound like so much fun!! I will have to get in on it next year :) :) Would love to meet you all in person!