Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Will the battle with food ever end?

I am extremely happy with my loss!  I know that I that probably could have lost more but regardless it is 40 lbs that I would not have lost if I did not have the band.  You would think that at some point the fact that I am losing weight and looking better would over run the daily battle that I have internally over food everyday.....  I doesn't.  I still think about food constantly, even when I know I am not hungry......  I still fight the urge to binge when I am alone.  I still think about how I can justify eating crap if it is "just this once".  I guess I am winning the battle but I would love for that internal war to go away for good!


  1. If you ever find a way, let me know.

  2. Amen to that. I hate having to fight myself every damn day.

  3. I'm with you, 40lbs speaks volumns. Just imagine trying to get that off on your own.

    I know sometimes I think I should be farther along but I'll take what I have lost. I know I would be in a much worse place if I didn't have this tool.

  4. 40 pounds is great!!! Too bad there isn't a band for your brain to make you quit thinking about food...I would be the first in line to get one :)

  5. I hate to say this but you have to dig down deep, for me it was therapy, and I am still not certain I have put the demon to rest!

    You know what they say once an addict always an addict!

    You really have to find out the reason why you eat, for most of us it has nothing to do with food, we just use food to put a band aid over it!

  6. You aren't alone in this battle.....I am with you!

  7. see you tomorrow night! :) I'm totally with ya....think about food all the time!

  8. I've lost 30lbs and I know how your feeling.. our surgery dates where like a month apart.. I still eat things I should like pizza rolls because my roommate made them... it's horrible.

  9. I agree, work on the internal/emotional issues of what prompts you to binge, or even want to eat. And it won't be easy, i've been working on it for a year now, but at least it's a step in the write direction!

  10. It is a huge battle all the time, but it's so worth it!
